
Trump gearing up for Nevada caucuses cakewalk: He ‘has all the momentum’


Former President Trump is gearing up for a cakewalk through Nevada, where he is expected sweep the Republican caucuses next week.

Trump will be the only major candidate on the ballot during the Feb. 8 caucuses, and is virtually assured the Silver State’s 26 delegates.

In a confusing turn of events, the state will also hold a Feb. 6 primary that will include former UN ambassador Nikki Haley — but not Trump.

Though her triumph there is equally assured, the event will award no delegates.

The primary is required by a 2021 Nevada state law, but the local Republican Party decided to retain the caucus system.

“We will deliver you 100% of delegates of the state of Nevada to Donald J. Trump,” Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald said earlier this week.

“Trump has all the momentum. He has a massive lead going into South Carolina as well. Nikki Haley has zero path to the nomination,” Garrett Ventry, a Republican strategist, told The Post.

Former President Trump i is getting ready for an assumed easy win in Nevada next week. Aces /
The Nevada Republican party has lined up fully behind former President Trump. AP

Trump is riding high among GOP primary voters after blow-out victories in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary earlier this month.

Once formidable rivals like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy have fallen by the wayside and offered their endorsements.

After Nevada, Trump will have only South Carolina’s Feb. 24 primary, where Haley, a one-time governor of the state, is expected to mount a last stand against him.

Nikki Haley is expected to win the state’s GOP primary — but will not be awarded any delegates. AP

A Monmouth University-Washington Post survey released Thursday showed Trump with a 26-point lead over Haley.


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