
New ‘Jurassic Park’ movie in the works triggers mixed fan reactions: ‘Who wants this garbage?’



There’s another “Jurassic Park” movie on the way courtesy of original “JP” screenwriter David Koepp, according to People and The Hollywood Reporter.

Koepp, who also write the original’s sequel, “The Lost World: Jurassic Park,” will come up with a new storyline for the fabled franchise, which has grossed over $1 billion worldwide, according to the report.

Steven Spielberg will board the project as an executive producer along with Patrick Crowley and Frank Marshall.

There are no details about casting or the plot at this point in time.

The project is coming along so nicely that the studio “is whispering” about a possible 2025 release date, according to The Hollywood Reporter, which broke the news.

©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection
The original “Jurassic Park” movie (1993) starred (from left) Martin Ferro, Richard Attenborough, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill and Laura Dern. ©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

The new movie is likely to revolve around an all-new storyline so it’s unclear if “Jurassic World” stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard would be back — and it “seems” that characters played by Sam Neill, Laure Dern and Jeff Goldlbum would not appear, according to THR.

Pratt, who starred in the “Jurrasic World” trilogy, seemed to deflate talk of another movie during a 2022 appearance on “The Today Show” to promote “Jurassic World: Dominion,” which followed the events of “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018).

“This is the sixth ‘Jurassic’ film, and it’s the end of the franchise,” he said … “You got the legacy cast back — Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum — plus the cast of ‘Jurassic World,’ all our storylines converging in a way that is very much a finale.”

A scene from the “Jurassic Park” sequel, “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997). ©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

But never say never, especially for such a powerhouse movie franchise.

The reaction of fans on social media was mixed regarding the new movie.

“I’m a total slut for the Jurassic films. Jurassic Park is blockbuster cinema perfection, and the rest of the films are comfort movies for me,” @jacobkolbva wrote on X. “I enjoy what each tried to do, despite them all being messy (except JW:D which is just bad). So I’ll be seated, just please be good.”

A dinosaur brought to life wreaks havoc and terror in the original “Jurassic Park.” ©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

“I swear on everything i was thinking about Jurassic Park for the past couple of days Now I can’t wait for this,” enthusiastic fan @DylanD2099 wrote on X.

“Tears are legitimately welling up in my eyes,” @CoolJpOpinions posted on X.

But not everyone seems to be in favor of another “JP” reboot.

Screenwriter David Koepp and director Steven Spielberg on the set of “The Lost World: Jurassic Park.” ©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

“I grew up wanting more, the latest were disappointing, just leave it be, carry on with the camp Cretaceous cartoons if you must but that should be it,” wrote @Connor_Davies98 on X.

Another fan, @dardenator, weighed in on X that, “This series hasn’t been even remotely good since the original Jurassic Park Movie. Who wants this garbage?”

“The ‘Jurassic Park’ franchise has been rinsed,” @CodeBrown72 wrote on X. “The 1st one was good, the rest are just awful. So let’s make another one. I don’t think Hollywood gives a s–t any more …”


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