
Moment bear helps himself to family’s Taco Bell delivery


He might be smarter than the average bear.

A cunning black bear made off with $45 worth of Taco Bell after quickly snatching an Uber Eats delivery meant for a Florida family.

The video, uploaded to TikTok, shows an UberEats worker dropping off the food at an Orlando-area home Friday night and snap a picture to confirm the safe delivery, but right after she leaves, a black bear appears and makes his way to the porch.

The bear takes a whiff of the bag and picks it up with his mouth, walking away with the food. What isn’t shown, however, is that the bear returns moments later after realizing he forgot to grab the drink that came with his meal.

“He came, and he grabbed the food – then he came again for the soda,” Nicole Castro told Fox 35 after viewing her family’s Ring doorbell footage.

The video goes on to show the shocked family walking out to find their food missing with a trail of spilled soda leading to the driveway.

A black bear made his way to an Orlando porch after an UberEats driver delivered Taco Bell on Friday.
After smelling the food, the bear quickly grabbed the bag and left, only to return to grab some soda as well.

“That bear just took it. Look at the cameras,” one of the residents said in Spanish.

“There’s that son of a b***h taking the food,” Daniel Bula could be heard saying as he reviews the footage with his niece on their phone.

Resident Laidy Gutierrez told Fox that bears are actually very common in their Longwood neighborhood, so much so that they usually check their cameras before stepping out of their homes.  

She added that given the latest theft, her family will no longer be getting their deliveries made to the front porch. The family added that UberEats refunded the food.

The $45 Taco Bell meal was refunded, but the family is now changing the way they receive deliveries.
Christopher Sadowski

This isn’t the first time a porch pirate has been revealed to be a hungry bear making off with a delivery.

Last year, Mary McClear – of Hendersonville, NC – caught a greedy bear stealing a package of bagels she had received from New York City.

“We left early for an event, and the box was delivered after we left,” McClear said of the carb theft. “We had a visitor help himself!”


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