
Make your passwords secure with this one quick hack — and bring positivity to your life, too


Type it into existence.

People are choosing “affirmations passwords” to instill positive thinking and accountability into their daily routines — as well as staying secure, according to experts.

“Changing your password for your computer, email, or anything else is an extremely simple and potentially powerful strategy for staying engaged with your intention,” Psychology Today’s contributor Mariah G. Schug Ph.D., explained.

Affirmations are short statements that can help brighten your outlook on the world when you say them to yourself regularly, describes Oprah Daily.

Phrases that enlighten your aura, such as, “you are enough,” “I am blessed” or “Love yourself,” can be incorporated into your password.

“The key is to choose a new password that reflects the state of mind you wish to establish,” Dr. Schug suggests.

Most companies require employees to change their account password after several months for security reasons.

Third party systems like McAfee supports the use of a unique-to-you, encouraging password — as long as you follow the usual rules for a strong, hard-to-crack code.

“Pick a phrase that is memorable for you,” the security site read. “It should not be a phrase you commonly use on social media accounts.”

The security site wants people to have passwords that are “at least 12 characters long and include numbers, symbols, and upper and lowercase letters.”

Some examples of strong affirmation passwords are uAREur0wng0alz, iAM_always3nough! or loveTHE$k!nIMin.

More people are transitioning to affirmation passwords because it’s easier to remember the encouraging phrase versus a computer-generated passcode that must be changed every few months.

“If your job makes you change passwords all the time, why not use it to your advantage and manifest,” said @astrolizzard on TikTok. “Start using words of affirmation as your password.”

login and password
McAfee security advises passwords should have at least 12 characters long and include numbers, symbols, and upper and lowercase letters.

“You don’t have to remind yourself to say these affirmations every single day. You naturally have to type it in everyday as you sign into your computer,” she adds.

Research suggests that reflecting on the intention behind your goal can lay the groundwork needed to achieve it, explains Psychology Today.

TikToker Brittany Leonor confessed to using affirmation passwords in a resurfaced video.

“This is such an easy way to consciously and subconsciously remind yourself of what you are trying to call into your life,” Leonor shared.

“Use your passwords to your advantage.”


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