‘Jeopardy!’ fans deem contestants ‘idiots’ for failing to recognize iconic rock band
Not a “Whole Lotta Love” for Led Zeppelin.
All three contestants from a recent episode of “Jeopardy!” are facing the wrath of Led Zeppelin fans after they were unable to answer a clue about the iconic rock group.
A category titled “Discographies” on Wednesday’s show asked contestants to identify artists by showing them a picture of the act and providing the title of one of their albums.
The $400 clue included an image of Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and John Bonham, and host Ken Jennings naming the English rockers’ 1973 album “Houses of the Holy.”
But time ran out before any of the brainiacs could prove they knew anything about “Rock and Roll.”
“You have annoyed Led Zeppelin fans everywhere,” Jennings warned the stumped players.
The band formed in 1968, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995, and has sold nearly 300 million albums worldwide.
Therefore, Jennings was not far off when he claimed viewers would stunned by their lack of rock history online.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME,” one fan screamed on X, the platform previously known as Twitter.
A third declared, “I find it almost impossible, or a complete societal failure, to know for a fact that three humans standing within 10 feet of each other don’t know Led Zeppelin.”
“Was told that 3 thirty something contestants on Jeopardy last night did not know who Led Zeppelin was,” someone else shared. “I make sure my young nieces, nephew and all their friends are well educated in Classic Rock!!!”
“What kind of horrible uncultured lives have these people lived?” another Zeppelin devotee asked.
The Post has contacted reps for Led Zeppelin for comment.
Other celebs including “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon and “Home Alone” alum Macaulay Culkin have recently put their knowledge to the test on “Celebrity Jeopardy!”
Sadly, Nixon fumbled her lead and lost the game at the very end over a Final Jeopardy clue about the Pentagon.
Meanwhile, Culkin reacted to the fact that he’s been the answer to a clue 42 times on “Jeopardy!”
“Oh, wow! Look mom, I’m famous! I’m a factoid! Trivial,” he joked.
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