News reporter hilariously slaps herself in face after being attacked by pesky mosquito on live TV: ‘All the buzz!’
Buggy down under.
An Australian news reporter was violently attacked live on air — by herself — when she attempted to swat away a pesky mosquito, but missed and ended up hitting herself in the face.
Andrea Crothers, a reporter for Australia’s Today Show, was on location reporting on the recent flooding in Brisbane when the annoying bug landed on her face.
The reporter, as any bug-hating person would do, swatted at the blood-sucking insect, but her aim was just a tad off and the bug was too fast, leading to Crothers getting a rather vicious slap to the face.
After the moment of impact, which was loud enough for her mic to pick up, Crothers ran off camera flailing her arms as the buggy attack continued
While she appeared to be under duress at the moment, her colleagues weren’t as concerned as they found the situation quite amusing.
“A little funny thing happened today, Andrea Crothers, who is one of our great reporters on the show, she’s been covering these flood waters in Brisbane, a terrific job,” host Karl Stefanovic said, according to the video shared by Crothers.
“But it’s very muggy up there, wet weather, and along with all those conditions come the awful [bugs] as a sound of mosquitos was played. So here she was, confronted on air during a live report.”
The show’s panel, inside the temperature-controlled studio, cracked up at their colleague’s misfortune.
“There’s the dangers are reporters put themselves in to bring you the stories at home,” Stefanovic added.
Crother’s now-viral moment was shown at least four times, including one take being played in slow motion.
“I’d like to see that whole thing slowed down, reversed, backed up again,” Today Extra host David Campbell said.
‘I don’t want to mess with Andrea, clearly she doesn’t muck around,” co-host Sylvia Jeffreys added. “She can even take herself out.”
Crothers, who seemingly escaped the self-attack unharmed, eventually took part in making fun of herself.
The day after the viral slap she donned a mesh headpiece during the live broadcast, quipping that it was approved by human resources.
“Im OK guys, HR said I could wear this as long as I didn’t file for worker’s compensation for punching myself in the face,” the reporter said.
“It’s actually quite fashionable, it looks like you go to the races,” said one of the hosts back in the studios.
I’m still laughing. Watched this about five times. Gold,” one person commented under Crothers’ Instagram post.
“You are all the buzz!!” another added.
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