
Florida ‘Grinch’ tails Amazon delivery truck, steals packages to use as Christmas gifts


A Florida woman followed an Amazon delivery driver through her neighborhood and swiped delivered packages that she planned to pass off as Christmas gifts, police said.

Kensley Mott, 33 was allegedly caught on surveillance footage Monday creeping up her victims’ front doors to snatch her loot, which she later admitted she planned to use as presents for the holiday season.

The warm-weather Grinch — dressed in all black — peered through the peephole before making off with two packages, not unlike how the infamous Dr. Suess villain carried out his dastardly crimes, video shows.

The brazen theft may not have been Mott’s first time scanning Sun Ridge Village subdivision in Winter Haven, a city 40 miles southwest of Orlando. A neighbor reported an attempted package theft just one week prior.

She also has a criminal history including arrests dating back to 2016 for petit theft, grand theft, and narcotics possession.

Kensley Mott was allegedly caught on surveillance footage Monday creeping up her victims’ front doors and stealing their holiday packages. Polk Sheriff
Polk County Sheriff’s deputies were able to quickly identify and arrest the “porch pirate.” Polk Sheriff

When police tracked Mott down at her nearby pizza parlor job, she immediately copped to the crime, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office alleges.

“I stole them because I’m gonna give them away as presents for Christmas,” Mott said, according to Sheriff Grady Judd.

When asked to return the stolen packages, Mott refused.

Mott was charged with grand theft, felony petit theft and two counts of burglary of a dwelling. POLK COUNTY SHERIFF

She then allegedly walked back her admission that she swiped the presents, even when she was shown the video of the thefts: “What if it was someone else who just had my face?” she is quoted as saying.

“If I was gonna pick another face, it wouldn’t be that one. I’ll just say now,” Judd quipped at a press conference.

He wiped out her mugshot and pointed out the irony in her appearance around the holidays.

“She’s got a red nose because she was crying at some point in time. This is not Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. This is Kinsley, the red-nosed criminal. Locked up. Porch pirate.”

Mott was charged with grand theft, felony petit theft and two counts of burglary of a dwelling.

She will likely spend Christmas and her birthday behind bars, Judd said.


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